ADB Properties, Inc. knows the special needs of estate executors

The responsibility of settling an estate, often a source of stress, is not to be taken lightly. It's up to you as a trustee to carry out the wishes of the departed as promptly and attentively as possible. You can count on ADB Properties, Inc. to act quickly and with as much understanding to the feelings of everyone involved.

We've made a name for ourselves in supplying top-notch appraisals that lawyers and accountants have come to rely on. There are specific needs for everyone; we are sympathetic to these necessities and are familiar with collaborating with all parties involved. We supply appraisal reports that transcend the needs of the courts and various agencies.

Contact us immediately to discuss your unique estate appraisal essentials and how we can put our business acumen to work for you.

Generally, settling an estate necessitates an accurate appraisal report to show market value for the property to the satisfaction of the parties involved. We sympathize that in times like this, acquiring an appraisal report is the furthest thought from your mind. So, we understand that the time an appraisal report is requested will not match the date of death. Our professional staff is comfortable with the procedures and requirements needed to supply a retrospective appraisal with an effective date and market value estimate matching the exact date you suffered the loss of your loved one. The ethical requirements listed within the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) conforms our appraisers to confidentiality, providing the strongest degree of discretion for you and your family.

Many people do not understand that the IRS requires documents filed to support the numbers involved in estate sales.

One of the most significant requirements in an appraisal report is an appraiser-supported opinion of value in a comprehensive explanation as to how the appraiser came to his conclusion. This level of documentation will definitely substantiate your claim that the values within the report are well-founded and accurate.

ADB Properties, Inc. will provide a substantiated report, which will give an executor definite facts and numbers that will meet IRS and state agency requirements. There's no need to be concerned when getting an appraisal from ADB Properties, Inc., because we will back it no matter what.